Friday, November 11, 2011

Old 2 New:: Goodwill Table Turned Ottoman

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Well friends, I'm winding down my Old 2 New series.  This will be the last Old 2 New post for a while. I might do one every now and then when I come across a great project, but I won't be posting one every Friday from here on out.

But, I wanted to go out with a bang, so today I have an incredible diy project from Julie who blogs over at  Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss.

Julie found this table at her local Goodwill and decided to transform it into an tufted ottoman.
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She added some paint, glaze & a little distressing to the base.
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The main part of the ottoman is made up of dense foam, 1 inch batting and particle board and she used a drop cloth for her fabric.
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I've seen a lot of people starting to use drop cloth in their diy projects. I love the look of it and it's extremely affordable.

Here's her final product.
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Incredible right? I told her that this makes me want to make my own tufted ottoman out of a coffee table! And for kicks, here's another shot of it.
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Julie has a great step by step tutorial on exactly how she created each part of the ottoman over on her blog. Be sure to check it out and tell her I sent you :)

I hope you've enjoyed this series. I'm hoping to have some of my own Old 2 New projects to show you in the near future!

What has been your favorite Old 2 New transformation?

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