Monday, March 26, 2012

Have You Been To Kirkland's Lately?

When I was trying to decide what direction to take for the set design at work a few weeks ago, I did a little perusing at a few stores to get some ideas.

Have any of you been to Kirkland's lately? In the past, I would occasionally find a few things I liked there, but typically a lot of their stuff really wasn't my style. That is, until now.

I decided to stop in there just to see if they had any bird cages or anything along those lines I could hang. I didn't find anything for the set, but I did find a ton of other stuff I wanted to buy for myself! I went back there another time to snap a few pictures.

Let's take a look at some of the goodies, shall we?

Super cute ceramic stools.

Wooden lanterns.

They had lots of bird 'themed' decor items like these ceramic birds.

And this little birdcage. This would be perfect for a bookshelf.

I actually bought this fan for myself. I love the look of vintage fans and this one, even though it's not real, fit more with my style and the decorations I already have. I'm hoping to incorporate it into our new built in bookshelves in our living room.

How cute is this skeleton key frame? They also had some frames with some silhouettes that were super cute!

If you aren't able to find a real antique camera or typewriter, these 'faux' ones would be perfect. 

Their new line of stuff is very on par with the current trends. Lots of vintage & natural inspired items and also some chic pieces.

I highly recommend you take a trip there if you have one in your area. Lots and lots of super cute stuff!

And remember I said last week I had some exciting news? I have decided to take the plunge and switch over to Wordpress! I have loved blogging over these last few months and it's something I definitely want to continue doing. I've heard so many good things about Wordpress when it comes to growing your blog, all the great plugins and the fact that you actually own your site. 

I have no idea where this little blog will take me in the future, but I definitely want to go ahead and take that next step.

 And, since I'm switching over, I thought now would be a good time to also revamp my blog design. Here's a little sneak peak of my new header.


I'm so excited to see the finished product!

While the switch is being made, the blog will be down for a bit. I'll give you guys a heads up to let you know when that will be.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!

P.S. Kirkland's has no idea who I am. I just really liked what I saw and wanted to share :)

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  1. I just picked up some goodies from Kirkland's the other day, including one of those white birdies!! LOVE everything in that store. And it's so reasonably priced!

    And congrats on the big move to Wordpress (and blog makeover!). It will all be worth it in the end!! Can't wait to see it when it's all done :)

  2. Ahh that fan is amazing! Maybe I need to check out Kirklands too! Great find.
