Monday, October 24, 2011

Take a Peek:: Louisiana Home of Susie Harris

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Today I'm taking you inside Susie Harris' home. Susie built their house on family land in Louisiana. She loves to decorate her home on a budget (which I love) and created a lot of the decor herself.

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I randomly stumbled upon her blog through another blog I follow and, as usual, perused images of her home. She makes amazing wooden signs, some of which you'll see in the images of her home below. She sells some of the ones you'll see, plus others, in her shop. She's so talented!

Enough of my rambling though, here are a few lovely images from her home.

{Master Bedroom}
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Susie is working on updating her bed and working on making a custom headboard. So far, it's looking amazing. Be sure to follow her blog to keep up with the progress and see the finished results!

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{Outdoor Cottage}
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I'm not sure if I've mentioned this on the blog yet or not, but I signed up for my first diy/home blogger conference next June called Haven. I'm so excited to learn from the best in the blogisphere! Susie will be in attendance and I'm so excited to meet her in person along with many others. If you have a home/diy blog and are interested in attending, tickets are still available.

I mentioned on Friday, that I had some big news...I was finally getting an iPhone. Well, yea that didn't happen :( I was one of those people that didn't really see the need in pre-ordering one. I thought I would just waltz right in Verizon and get one this weekend. Apparently pre-ordering is in fact necessary. Whoops! All the Verizon stores around me didn't have any in stock and neither did our Best Buy. All that to say, I learned my lesson and went ahead and ordered one online. Fingers crossed, I should ACTUALLY be an iPhone owner early November :)

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