Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday Inspiration:: Is It Spring??

The weather here in Nashville has been amazing lately. Yesterday it was in the mid 60's and sunny! Anyone else having crazy weather? I was dreading the cold, dreary winter, but so far it hasn't been too bad {knock on wood}. I'm hoping it will stay like this all the way through Spring!


With this warm weather, I'm starting to crave bright and cheery colors.

{Design Sponge}

With Winter I typically lean towards lots of whites & grey. But Spring makes me think of fresh air, colorful flowers and sunshine. Ah, can't you just envision it now?

Let's try to usher in Spring quickly with some of these cheery & colorful spaces.


Spring is so close, can't you just taste it? 

P.S. Tomorrow is Ground Hog's Day. Let's all just say a little prayer that Punxsutawney Phil doesn't see his shadow and our wish for Spring to quickly come might come true :)

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