Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Birthday Giveaway & Etsy Shop Update

Well friends, today I turn the big 2-6. That's right, I'm inching closer and closer to 30 ;) {I know all of you reading this right now that are older than me are probably rolling your eyes.}

For some reason, turning 25 was hard for me. In some ways, I think I had a mild quarter life crisis. But 26 feels different. I feel like it's going to be a good year. Fingers crossed!


If any of you have clicked over to my Etsy shop within the last few months, you have probably seen it still on 'vacation mode.' No, I haven't forgotten to turn it off. I got a little overwhelmed with custom orders and wanted to take a break and focus more of my time on my blog and projects. I plan to re-open the shop at some point, but I'm thinking about taking it in a new direction...still trying to figure out what that direction is though, ha!

In the meantime, there's lots of goodies sitting around. Because it's my birthday, and because I'm moving and am in the purging mood, I'm offering one lucky reader some free stuff!

The goods::

{Set of silhouette note cards: 4 total}


{And a set of 4 silhouette gift tags}

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment. That's it!

Contest will close at midnight on Thursday {March 8} and a winner will be announced on Friday!
{Contest open to U.S. residents only}

Good luck! I'm off to enjoy the big day :)

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  1. Beautiful! Can't wait to see your shop when it reopens!

  2. These are so cute! I love silhouettes!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and have something fun planned :)

  4. These are gorgeous! So cute! I'd love to win. :)

    And I know 26 is going to be a great year for you! Even 30 isn't so bad. These are good years, so I hope you enjoy them! Good luck in your new home. :)

  5. Happy birthday friend! Love the cards & tags! Maybe you can hand deliver them to me if I win? :)

  6. Happy Birthday!!!
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  7. Happy Birthday!!!
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  8. Thanks for the chance and Happy Birthday! :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com
