Friday, March 2, 2012

My First Flea Market Experience

Our local flea market sets up shop in town once a month. In the almost 4 years that I've lived in Nashville, I've yet to go. Crazy, right? I've always wanted to, but have either had conflicts on the weekends that it was open or the weather wasn't always the best.

But this past weekend the stars aligned. The weather was perfect {a tad chilly but not too bad} and I didn't have plans on Saturday afternoon. So a friend and I made the trek. 

The Nashville Flea Market takes place at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. And apparently it's among the top ten flea markets in the country. Who knew? There was definitely a lot of stuff and some wonderful gems in the mix.

Here are a few things I saw that I loved.

Cool homemade light fixtures.

Loved this little chicken wire hutch. And the fixtures on top of it are the wire frames from lampshades. Can't you just imagine the possibilities for those beauties??

Old jumbo sign letters.

Old suitcases.

One booth had all kinds of door knockers, door handles and knobs.

Tree Stumps! They appeared to have already been sanded and smoothed and were just begging to be used as some sort of side table.

Gorgeous old sewing machine.

Vintage fan.

Some pretty good stuff, huh?

Overall I had a great first flea market experience. Among the awesome stuff we saw, there were also tons of random things too. For example, you could probably stock up on food and toiletries. We saw tons of snack foods in giant ziploc containers for sale along with lots of shampoo, soap, deodorant etc. I thought it was a little strange, but maybe it's not?? And there were TONS of tube socks. :)

I mainly went to peruse and didn't want to buy a ton of stuff since we're moving in a few weeks and I want to wait until I'm all moved in to really know what I will need/want.

But, I did buy some really cool old coca-cola crates. I've been wanting to get some old crates for a while and I got a pretty good deal on 3 of them, so I went for it!


Haven't exactly figured out how I want to use them, but I have a few ideas in mind ;)

This weekend I start the process of boxing things up :/ I know you're super jealous. I have to admit, I'm TERRIBLE at packing. I would rather just throw things in a box and go. But, we're hiring movers to make it a little easier, and obviously you can't just throw things in a box {otherwise things will get broken}. I would much rather unpack all day long than pack a single box.

How about you? Would you rather pack or unpack?

Let the fun begin!!

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